HEPHZIBAH Women of peace, always using the word of the lord as its guiding principle, has the following vision;

  • To encourage and model personal study of the bible, so that the word of our lord might be proclaimed boldly and clearly in our daily lives
  • To work together with our fathers in the lord to fully understand from the scripture how we are all to serve God
  • To explore scripturally sound opportunities for service in every calling of life from home, to church and to the world
  • To equip women to fulfill their callings
  • To develop fresh approaches to God-pleasing ministries for women
  • To offer a variety of venues for communicating and sharing ideas among our women
  • To teach our women that we can have a peaceful and beautiful homes despites the problems and struggles
  • To work hand in hand with the youth ministry making sure they are on the right path
  • Working alongside the children ministry to make sure we have a well-planned, organized and standardize atmosphere for our children
  • Giving back to our community in different ways as God gives us the enablement to do so
  • To Thank God for the solid foundation of faith and service he has given to us as an example in the many godly women and men in our congregations



“The body is a unit, though it is made up of many parts; and though all its parts are many, they form one body. So it is with Christ.”
1 Corinthians 12:12

As sisters in Christ, we have an obligation to love each other as Christ loves us.
Supporting one another in our walk with Christ through prayer, and raising our children in Godly manner and in the fear of the lord.

We are motivated solely by the gospel, HEPHZIBAH Women of Peace exist to assist our Congregations in nurturing, encouraging and equipping women to faithfully and fully use their God-given gifts to glorify God.